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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2020/2021 School Year

31st May 2021
We simply cannot wait to meet our little pupils who will be starting in Nursery...
31st May 2021
Parents Information: Due to the new ONLINE ADMISSIONS Process for Year 7 Pupils,...
31st May 2021
“Stay Safe Stay Out” We are appealing to you to help us pass on...
31st May 2021
“Wild World Heroes” A letter was sent out in school this week to promote...
31st May 2021
Allowance Update for 2021-2022 ALL APPLICATIONS for Free School Meals/ Uniform...
30th May 2021
Great news! Holy Communion for Year 4 A (Miss Kelly’s Class) will take...
30th May 2021
We will have a very Sacrament of Reconciliation Ceremony (First Confession) for...
30th May 2021
We recycle items of our school uniform all year round especially school jumpers...
30th May 2021
Outdoor Play Area Near Year 1 B and Year 2 A Classrooms.  There is an outdoor...
30th May 2021
Nursery Graduations will take place this year in school.  Due to ongoing DE...