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About the School

About the School
St Catherine’s Nursery and Primary School is a Catholic School established to serve the surrounding areas within the Parish of Camus. The school is situated on Barrack Street & Newtownkennedy Street next door to the Parish Church – The Church of the Immaculate Conception. The school is approximately ½ km (1/4mile) from Strabane Town Centre.
A Family School
St Catherines' Nursery and Primary School is a family orientated school where all pupils are known individually by all members of staff thus promoting confidence and self -esteem. We put very strong emphasis on the three-way partnership between home, school and our parish community. Regular contact between parents and the school is encouraged and a variety of community-based events are organised throughout the year to strengthen the school’s links with the local community.
A Community School
Our school Chaplain plays an important role in the life of the school and in the preparation of the pupils for the sacraments. All of our pupils regularly take part in services at our local church, The Church of the Immaculate Conception, either as altar servers or readers.
The social development of our pupils, both in and out of school, is extremely important. Through attending school within their community they can maintain strong links with their school friends outside school hours, at play, birthday parties etc. Such interaction encourages within the pupils a sense of community.
An Achieving School
St Catherines' Nursery and Primary School, with the commitment of our staff, and the support of our parents, continues to maintain a high standard of education. Provision is made for children of all levels of ability, where needs are identified, support is provided and challenges met.
St Catherines' Nursery and Primary School strives to promote the musical ability of all of our pupils with excellent support from the Western Education and Library Board tutors. Our pupils are encouraged to take part in a variety of music competitions such as the Strabane Feis, as well as competitions in art, Poetry, Writing, Quizzes, Football and Public Speaking.
We feel that all our pupils should be provided with opportunities to display their many talents to a wider audience, and participation in such competitions has resulted in a high level of success, further enhancing self-esteem of the pupils and adding to the sense of achievement for the whole school community.
St Catherines Prides itself on our pupils achievements.
St Catherines Primary School, 1 Newtownkennedy St, Strabane, County Tyrone, BT82 8HT