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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


6th Dec 2022

We pride ourselves on being a FAMILY SCHOOL. We try to look out for each other and show that we care for each other when we can.

Charity does also begin at home they say and that is why all our fundraising efforts to date have been to enable the FREE Panto Christmas Trip for all pupils in the school so that no one is disappointed and has a lovely treat for Christmas but we are also conscious that times are very hard for so many.

To this end, it has been suggested that we ask each child to bring in ONE NON PERISHABLE item from home for example; tin of beans, tin of soup, bag of rice, bag of pasta…anything in the cupboard that is SPARE and can be donated. Our staff will use these items collected to make Christmas Food Hampers and donate them to the Foodbank. It must be emphasized that this is purely voluntary and people should feel under no pressure to buy things or donate if they are not able to do so.

This is just a thought to try to help in some way for those in greater need than ourselves. If any child contributing could bring their FOOD ITEM to school NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY 14th DECEMBER and the items will be gathered in the Assembly Hall on each school site where staff and some children will then make the hampers.
Thanks for your support.