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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks

Excitement builds for our Trip to the Panto in Derry.

6th Dec 2022

A few little points to note ahead of our upcoming Panto Trips.

1. All pupils should wear their FULL WINTER UNIFORM on the trip so that they can be easily recognizable to staff
2. All pupils should arrive promptly to school on the day of their panto trip as buses will leave promptly
3. Children should bring a coat
4. Children should bring a packed lunch with no glass bottles (for health and safety reasons). Children may bring a little treat in their lunch bag on this special day.
5. Children in Years 1 and 2 should be collected from school at the later time of 2.30pm on the day of their Panto (Wednesday 8th December) to allow for traffic and the performance time of the panto.
6. If any delays in travel are experienced; parents will be text messaged to let you know and keep you updated.
7. Children do not need spending money