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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks

Encouraging School Attendance!

6th Dec 2022

We are delighted that we have no further challenges to our little children attending face to face teaching and learning in school like we suffered during Covid. To this end, we ask for parents support by encouraging school attendance every day. We understand that from time to time a child may be ill and if this happens please email the teacher or ring the school so that the correct absence code can be recorded for your child to explain the absence. Our school policy aims for at least 90% school attendance for every child. Help us to achieve this. To this end we will be giving out termly BREAKFAST CLUB VOUCHERS for any child who achieves 90% and more attendance. (Previously we gave for 100% but in order to support and encourage our children trying so hard we will give these vouchers now for any child who achieves between 90-100%). Thank you for your continued support!